Thursday, February 16, 2012

Homelessness and Poverty in America

Homelessness and poverty are issues that are faced by millions of Americans on a daily basis. It affects people of all ages, backgrounds, race, creed, and color. Having been homeless before, I know first hand what people have to do to survive. Shelters are full and the government wants to cut funding to social services while providing tax breaks for the richest Americans. The Department of Veteran Affairs has set a goal to end homelessness among veterans within five years, but they seem unable to meet the demand as more veterans return home with no job, and no place to turn. I have been told that there is at least a two week waiting period for a homeless veteran to get into one of the VA's homeless programs. Good, but not good enough.

Since losing my job with the Park Service this past December, this is something that I must deal with every day. I only see $720.00 per month from unemployment benefits. Those benefits could very likely expire next month, leaving me without any income to pay for even the basic needs of life. Congress is debating cutting social services so desperately needed by the poor, while pursuing tax cuts for the rich. My landlord is a fantastic person who understands my dilemma and has been working with me. But in spite of everything, the truth of the matter is without a job, I too will soon be homeless and will have to make some important decisions.

I have included the video below as part of this post. It is a special produce by the BBC entitled "Poor America". It shows in stark terms, the things people do just to survive. I honestly believe every person should watch this, and that is not something I say very often. Homeless people won't just go away. Our government is turning it's back on the people who need help the most. Mitt Romney's assertion that the poorest among us have a safety net, may be true in theory, but in every day reality, people are slipping through the net every day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hikers And Hiking

Bears Den Lodge and Hostel
I find it unbelievable that it has been a month since my last post; so much has happened. At the end of January, I went to the RUCK at Bears Den Lodge near Berryville, VA. The RUCK is an informal gathering of hikers and is put on by ALDHA, Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association. I spent three days there and it was a great opportunity to catch up with people I haven't seen in a while, as well as to make new friendships. I have spent many nights at Bears Den over the years and find it to be one of the better places along the AT to stay.

A few days after the RUCK, I made an overnight camping trip to Great North Mountain on the VA/WV border. This  area lies west of Edinburg, VA and north of Harrisonburg. There are many of trails in this area as well as a great little campground  at Wolf Gap. It was from the campground that I hiked up to Big Schloss, a large rock outcropping that straddles the ridgeline. It was a spectacular day.

The view from Big Scloss
I am continuing the job search process and am beginning to get some responses from prospective employers back. I have to make a trip to Tennessee at the end of this month and it would be nice to have something to come back to. In any case, I am trying to figure out my plans for afterwards. I recently signed up for services with the VA hospital in Martinsburg, WV since I no longer have any medical coverage of any type. Luckily there is an outpatient clinic about 30 miles away in Harrisonburg. I am doing my best at maintaining a positive outlook, although I don't always succeed.