Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Back To Work

When I first started this blog, I had just recently become unemployed after being terminated from my position with the National Park Service. Although I am not pleased with how things came to an end, I can honestly say that I am not disappointed. Fifteen years of building trail tends to wear a body down rather quickly and it rapidly became evident last year that I was not as young as I once was. So trying to fin a new job and "selling myself" became my full time occupation. i submitted over 50 applications during that time and had a half dozen interviews. This week, I returned to full time employment. I had to move closer to Washington DC, but I can now say that I am working for Greenleaf Services. In particular, I will be part of a team that has responsibility for the grounds maintenance at Arlington National Cemetery. Yes, that one.

This will be the first time in a while that I have lived in a major metropolitan area, and also the first time in nearly twenty years that I haven't lived in close proximity to the mountains. As much as I will miss looking out my window at the Shenandoahs, I have other priorities in my life that must take precedent right now. One day I will return, but for now I will have to be satisfied driving an hour or so to get there.

The past three months have not been easy. Unemployment only provided me with $358.00 per week and child support took half. By the time rent and other bills were paid, there was not much money left over. Had I chosen not to look towards DC for a position, there is no doubt I would still be unemployed. Sometimes, in order to accomplish the things in our life that we need to, a drastic change is asked of us. It could be pursuing a career change, or it could be a change in location. Being unemployed is as difficult as becoming employed, but there are jobs out there. It took a concerted effort on my part, doing the things I knew I needed to do, and leaning on close friends for encouragement in order to find this position I now have. Hopefully, my body doesn't give out any time soon. I guess there is always MacDonald's!

Now, excuse me while I go lie down and recover from a hard day of work.